Posts Tagged ‘congress’


Follow @BHeardNotherded on Twitter

November 24, 2010

Win a Be Heard, Not Herded T-Shirt by Following Us on Twitter

Follow @BeheardNotHerded on Twitter and you could WIN one of our Made in the USA t-shirts!


Party Headquarters

November 14, 2010

Hanging out with GOP owners Bill and Pat Langdon

We had an opportunity last night to visit West Chester, Ohio, a northern suburb of Cincinnati.  Does the name sound familiar?  It might because its home to the next Speaker of the House of Representatives, Congressman John Boehner (R – OH).  It’s also home to the Grand Ole Pub (GOP) – a new bar and restaurant dedicated to American politics and history.

The GOP is the brain child of West Chester residents Bill and Pat Langdon.  They noticed the large number of English and Irish themed bars, but couldn’t find one dedicated to America.  “English and Irish pubs will display the flag and memorabilia from either country. We wanted to duplicate that with an American theme, so we started with the Constitution, the Betsy Ross flag, the Boston Tea Party, ‘Washington Crossing the Delaware’…We just wanted to tell the story of America’s founding on the walls,’” says Langdon.

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November 2nd Can’t Arrive Soon Enough

April 19, 2010

You really have to wonder about the people in office right now.  Last week, tea party protests were held all over the USA.  Now the Democrats want tea party activists to think they’re trying to cut taxes, make government smaller, and reign in the deficit.

First, President Obama spoke at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser on tax day, April 15th and said that tea party activists should “be saying thank you” for the tax cuts enacted by his administration.

Then Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner appeared Sunday, April 18th on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”  He was asked about the tea party protests and responded by saying “We’ve just been through eight years where many people said deficits don’t matter. We can pass huge tax cuts, pass huge new programs without paying for them. That debate has changed fundamentally.”  “You don’t hear people say anymore deficits don’t matter. You don’t hear people saying we can pass enormous expansions in government without paying for it. That’s an important change.”

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Get Out of Our House!

March 30, 2010

Here’s a great new video from the folks at GOOOH (Get Out of Our House):


ACORN to Get Federal Funding…Again?

March 23, 2010

Mainstream media is doing everything they can to minimize coverage of ACORN.  The last six months have been devastating to the organization.  Between the sting videos, the state lawsuits, and an act of Congress, it looked like ACORN was out of business.

Not so fast.  On March 10, 2009, federal judge Nina Gershon of the Eastern District of New York made permanent her temporary injunction prohibiting Congress from cutting off funding for ACORN.  The Department of Justice is planning to appeal Gershon’s ruling and seek a stay pending appeal.

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Vote Them All Out of Office!

March 20, 2010

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

If we only had two choices, keep all of the current lawmakers in office or vote out every incumbent, a new Fox News poll shows that 68% of respondents would clean house, while only 20% would keep the status quo.  Not surprising considering Congress’ approval rating has been hovering around 18%.  What is surprising is that 52% of the respondents who described themselves as Democrats would get rid of all incumbents.  All of this spells bad news for incumbents in 2010.

Here’s more interesting, though not shocking, data.  17% think Congress cares what the American people want, compared to the large 79 percent majority who think Congress does whatever it wants to do.

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Congress Needs an Enema!

March 18, 2010

Rene Oberer

We received an email today from Rene Oberer, a Conservative challenging Rep. Mike Turner (R) for US Representative of Ohio’s 3rd District.  The email challenged Mr. Turner’s use of earmarks.

Certainly, in a perfect world any conservative would be opposed to earmarks, but in today’s Congressional politics they seem inevitable.  The practice is ingrained.  So, while we understand Rep. Turner’s desire to return some of that money to our community, we agree that earmarks do more harm than good.  To stop the earmarks, you have to change the system by removing the people enabling the status quo.

That said, we applaud Rene’s efforts to bring light to this issue and support her in trying to get rid of earmarks entirely.  Maybe the earmarks that litter this god forsaken health care bill will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back?

We at have no allegiance to career politicians.  We believe that citizens should do their civic duty by serving public office, then return to their private lives.  To that end, we support Rene’s efforts to challenge Mr. Turner.  Congress needs an enema!

To read the email from Rene Oberer, click the link below.

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Dems Offering Jobs to Political Opponents?

March 13, 2010

Rep Darrell Issa (Left) | Rep Joe Sestak (Right)

Are the Democrats offering government jobs to other Democratic candidates that drop out of important primary races?  Evidence is mounting.  First, Fox News reports that Representative Joe Sestak, who is aggravating Democratic leaders by challenging Specter for the Senate nomination in Pennsylvania, said last month that the White House dangled a federal job in front of him last summer in an attempt to drop out of the state’s Democratic primary.

If that is true, Rep. Darrell Issa, the top Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, believes it was criminal.  Issa wrote a letter to the White House counsel on Wednesday demanding information on Sestak’s claim.

“While the White House may think this is politics as usual, what is spectacularly unusual is when a candidate – a U.S. Congressman no less – -freely acknowledges such a proposal,” he wrote to White House counsel Robert Bauer. “Almost always candidates keep quiet about such deals, and for good reason – they are against the law.”

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World Banking on a Ponzi Scheme?

March 9, 2010

Darius Guppy

Ever heard of Darius Guppy?  I hadn’t either until I read his description of the world banking system in the UK Telegraph today.

He’s a British expatriate, has famous parents, and someone in his ancestry actually classified the tiny fish that bears his name.  He is very well-educated, was known to fraternize with Royalty, and defrauded Lloyd’s of London out of 1.8 million pounds.

Why would anyone care about his take on the world economy?

Because it takes a thief to catch a thief?

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Senator Bunning Steps Up to the Plate

March 5, 2010

Did you know that before he got into politics, Senator Jim Bunning (Kentucky) was a major league baseball pitcher.  He played for 17 years, pitched for several teams including the Detroit Tigers and Philadelphia Phillies.  He pitched a perfect game in 1964 and was elected to baseball’s Hall of Fame in 1986.

Mr. Bunning has taken a lot of heat recently for his refusal to pass the 30 day extension bill for unemployment and other federal programs.  Some people claimed he was an obstructionist and didn’t support the extension.  He did support the extension.  His issue had to do with the Pay-Go legislation Congress had passed only a month earlier. Pay-Go forces Congress to pay for programs without adding any more to the national debt.  Apparently Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid submitted this extension knowing full well it was in violation of Pay-Go. Jim Bunning protested by not voting for the measure.  Yesterday USA Today published his side of the story.

Forcing Congress to adhere to Pay-Go is not obstructionist.  It’s the duty of our elected officials to follow the laws they’ve created. Even though Jim Bunning is retiring at the end of this term it still took a lot of guts to stand up and tell Congress to live within it’s means.  Thank you Senator Bunning for stepping up to the plate!