Posts Tagged ‘senate’


Don’t Forget to Vote

November 2, 2010

Today is an important day in American history!  We the people have the opportunity to communicate with our elected officials in a way that truly matters…with our vote!  Be heard, not herded!


November 2nd Can’t Arrive Soon Enough

April 19, 2010

You really have to wonder about the people in office right now.  Last week, tea party protests were held all over the USA.  Now the Democrats want tea party activists to think they’re trying to cut taxes, make government smaller, and reign in the deficit.

First, President Obama spoke at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser on tax day, April 15th and said that tea party activists should “be saying thank you” for the tax cuts enacted by his administration.

Then Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner appeared Sunday, April 18th on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”  He was asked about the tea party protests and responded by saying “We’ve just been through eight years where many people said deficits don’t matter. We can pass huge tax cuts, pass huge new programs without paying for them. That debate has changed fundamentally.”  “You don’t hear people say anymore deficits don’t matter. You don’t hear people saying we can pass enormous expansions in government without paying for it. That’s an important change.”

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Get Out of Our House!

March 30, 2010

Here’s a great new video from the folks at GOOOH (Get Out of Our House):


Vote Them All Out of Office!

March 20, 2010

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

If we only had two choices, keep all of the current lawmakers in office or vote out every incumbent, a new Fox News poll shows that 68% of respondents would clean house, while only 20% would keep the status quo.  Not surprising considering Congress’ approval rating has been hovering around 18%.  What is surprising is that 52% of the respondents who described themselves as Democrats would get rid of all incumbents.  All of this spells bad news for incumbents in 2010.

Here’s more interesting, though not shocking, data.  17% think Congress cares what the American people want, compared to the large 79 percent majority who think Congress does whatever it wants to do.

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Senator Bunning Steps Up to the Plate

March 5, 2010

Did you know that before he got into politics, Senator Jim Bunning (Kentucky) was a major league baseball pitcher.  He played for 17 years, pitched for several teams including the Detroit Tigers and Philadelphia Phillies.  He pitched a perfect game in 1964 and was elected to baseball’s Hall of Fame in 1986.

Mr. Bunning has taken a lot of heat recently for his refusal to pass the 30 day extension bill for unemployment and other federal programs.  Some people claimed he was an obstructionist and didn’t support the extension.  He did support the extension.  His issue had to do with the Pay-Go legislation Congress had passed only a month earlier. Pay-Go forces Congress to pay for programs without adding any more to the national debt.  Apparently Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid submitted this extension knowing full well it was in violation of Pay-Go. Jim Bunning protested by not voting for the measure.  Yesterday USA Today published his side of the story.

Forcing Congress to adhere to Pay-Go is not obstructionist.  It’s the duty of our elected officials to follow the laws they’ve created. Even though Jim Bunning is retiring at the end of this term it still took a lot of guts to stand up and tell Congress to live within it’s means.  Thank you Senator Bunning for stepping up to the plate!


That’s What Elections Are For

February 25, 2010

Fox News is reporting that President Obama ended the health care summit by threatening to pass a health care reform bill without Republican support.  BHO said, “If we’re unable to resolve differences over health care, we will need to move ahead on decisions,” alluding to using reconciliation, a controversial maneuver that prevents a GOP filibuster by requiring only 51 votes.  How much did that summit cost tax payers?

But what’s more interesting was his follow up comment.  Obama added that if voters are unhappy with the results, then “that’s what elections are for.”

Did the President just dare the American public to vote him and other supporters of the health care bill out of office?  Neither the Congress or the President has an approval rating anywhere near 50%.  Be careful what you ask for…you just might get it.


Obama’s New Healthcare Proposal?

February 22, 2010

“Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”

President Obama’s tired new healthcare proposal is a rehash of the Senate Bill that passed on Christmas Eve.  At least Fox news Reports, the version BHO is now touting does not include a public option.  But, you have to admit it’s funny when a White House staffer says the plan is “offset,” or pays for itself.  What I’d really like to know is why do we need a Health Insurance Rate Authority?  Couldn’t the Health and Human Services Department monitor insurance industry behavior and publish an annual report?


Sen. Evan Bayh Does Not Love Congress

February 15, 2010

Fox News is reporting that Democratic Senator Evan Bayh (Indiana) has announced that he will not seek re-election this November.  During the press conference, he said, “I love working for the people of Indiana,” he said. “But I do not love Congress.”

Classic comment!  Supposedly his decision is personal, not political.  It seems to me that two terms would be enough for just about anyone.


Senate Votes to Cut ACORN Funding

September 15, 2009

FOX News reports that the 83-7 vote would deny housing and community funding to ACORN.  ACORN is suffering from bad publicity after released several hidden-camera videos of conservative activists posing as a pimp and prostitute.  In the videos taken at ACORN offices in Baltimore, Washington DC, and Brooklyn, NY, ACORN employees give the couple advice on how to purchase a home (that the couple planned to  use as a brothel for young girls) and how to account for income from prostitution on tax forms.

On Monday, Bertha Lewis, ACORN’s chief organizer called the Senate vote a “rare and politically convenient step.”  She also noted that ACORN gets most of its funding from “its members and other organizations, so the decision will have little impact on overall operations.”


Lawmakers Get Earful

September 8, 2009 reports that Lawmakers are getting an earful from their constituents. Way to go! Just because they’ve gone back to Washington, doesn’t mean they get to stop hearing our VOICES! Call Congress at (202) 205-3121.